Monday, August 27, 2012

#3 The Age That Will Enlighten You

                                                        The Enlightenment Age.
        When the stage of Enlightenment approached it posed for a change and the change was going to be different from any other time. It was going to be traditional like it had been in the passed nor did it have anything to do with Religion. (which I remind you had a very big say so in society in the 18th century) It was based off advanced knowledge through science which also played into part with a few other things that were involved with the enlightenment period. it promoted science and superstition.
The Enlightenment period was pretty much a all new was of doing things then what they have in the passed or what they were doing presently.


       If you wanted a way to relate to the Enlightenment period was think about it this way. In the 21st century which let me remind you is one of the most technological advanced times known to man. So i believe that, that right there should do more then enough talking. We can relate to the Enlightenment period because they were basing things off of stuff they had found out through science which is the same exact thing they do in our everyday life now. They base decisions off of some sort of science because our technology is so advance that we can literally find out anything that you wanted.

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